Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time to go to war...

We were thrilled to receive approval and an out of network referral for Corey to receive ABA therapy, commencing in May, with insurance paying for 90%. This was so cool because it meant we could afford a meaningful number of hours, especially over the summer when school services are minimal. We want to keep our boy learning and growing and help him overcome the obstacles that autism puts before him. Sadly, we have been struggling getting the insurance company to reimburse us for this therapy all summer and how now been informed that they are cutting off approval entirely. So - not only are we upside down because we have been juggling while they drag their feet on reimbursing us all summer - now we have been forced to stop ABA therapy entirely - tomorrow will be Corey's last session. Yes - the big bad insurance company is dictating treatment decisions for my child. ABA therapy is a researched and proven treatment - the standard of care treatment for individuals on the autism spectrum - backed by the American Medical Association and the US Surgeon General. This is not a controversial therapy, it is simply an intensive therapy that is expensive - which leaves it out of the grasp of many, if not most, familes. Insurance companies do not want to pay for it, and use all sorts of fine print, loopholes and other excuses to deny coverage and/or for this important treatment. Legislation is already on the books in several states (including California, where our policy is written) to help force insurance companies to cover treatment for autism, but families still have to fight to receive it. I am studying up and beginning my fight. To the insurance company that is trying to keep my child from continuing treatment that is showing great benefit - here comes mama bear, and I don't give up when it comes to the welfare of my child.

OK, rant over. And now back to your regular programming...

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