Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of Third Grade!

Today was Corey's first day of 3rd grade - how did that happen? Since he had finally decided to go on a summer vacation sleeping-in schedule the last week of summer, I wasn't sure how he would do with getting up for school. He has to be up early since his bus picks him up at 6:40am... But, the boy was great - got himself up a bit before 6am, played computer for a few minutes and then came downstairs to get dressed and ready for school. He was such a good boy, took his meds, ate his breakfast, and when he heard the bus was ready to head outside and hop on.
Corey has a new teacher this year, Ms. Ryan. He will continue with the same OT and speech therapists, and add Music Therapy to his curriculum this year. He will also get Adapted P.E. in additions to time in his regular ed classroom, and specials (PE, art, music), lunchtime and recess - all with his regular ed classmates.

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