Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Vacation begins...

OK, I know it isn't called that anymore, but Corey is now off school until January 5th. Mia and I headed over to Corey's school for his "Winter Party" and had such a fun time. We brought lots of GFCF treats - sugar cookies, cupcakes and gingerbread men for decorating. Yes, I know I went a little bananas, but since I seem to have been the only mom who brought GFCF treats, I guess I did the right thing. The other moms with kids on the gfcf diet were thrilled that I brought homemade treats their kids could enjoy - it made me feel really proud of myself. Of course, Corey and Mia loved the treats. All of this has me thinking more and more about a launching a GFCF baking business - hmmmm. In addition giving the children nice sugar highs, I had fun chatting with other moms and with Corey's teachers, etc. This is his first year at a new elementary school, so I am still getting to know everyone, and the lay of the land. I am really happy with his placement and with the fantastic staff at Fern Bluff - Corey is learning so much and growing by leaps and bounds. We are going to make a change on his In-Home Therapist in the New Year, but I am confident that Corey will adapt nicely - he has gotten so much better with transitions. Here are a couple of pics from the party today...

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