Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy (Early) Halloween!

Since Daddy is going to be flying out on Halloween for business, we are enjoying some pre-Halloween festivities with him this weekend. Today, we are going to a Halloween Party at a park nearby Corey's school. I have made some yummy cupcakes to share with Corey's classmates - many of whom have dietary restrictions like Corey. (free of gluten, casein, soy, and egg)

Update: The kiddos had a blast at the Halloween party at the park. They enjoyed some yummy treats, trick or treating and also playing on the playscape.

We indulged in some fall fun yesterday. First, Corey had a baseball game at the Miracle Field - always a fun time. From there, we headed over to a Pre-Halloween Carnival nearby in Round Rock. The kids loved the bounce houses and the petting zoo - those bunnies sure were soft. The chickens, however, kind of freaked both kids out - LOL.

Monday, October 12, 2009

2009 Greater Austin Walk Now for Autism Speaks

We have been planning for months, and yesterday was the big day - our Walk! The weather didn't cooperate, for the 2nd year in a row, but we made best of it, and we had a great time while raising funds and awareness for Autism. It is such an amazing feeling to be at one of these events - the fellowship, the hope, the feeling of thousands of people there for your kid - it is really quite overwhelming at times. I am really proud of my fellow committee members for working so hard and pulling together a successful event, even in the face of a chilly, rainy day. The band played on, the resource fair rocked, the walk went on, even in the rain. Everyone who came out, in spite of the weather - what troopers!

Since the rain prevented us from doing the walk as a family, we all went out in the neighborhood in the afternoon to do our own walk, still in our team StimBusters shirts, of course.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Baseball and other stuff...

Corey had his first baseball game of the fall season and had a great time. I have said it before, but it is worth saying again - the Miracle League is amazing. From the adults who put it together to the older kids ("Buddies") who help our kids on and off the field. We feel so blessed.

It is so wonderful to see Corey enjoying himself doing things like baseball and being social with other kids, peers and both younger and older kids. Autism puts up barriers for Corey, but I can see him climbing over them each and every day - he is a wonder. It is funny to say, but I am thrilled that he is talking back to me at times now - he has the language to do so, and the confidence. Last night, it was Mia's turn to choose a movie to watch, and Corey was frustrated because he had something different in mind - I said to him "Its ok..." and he interrupted to inform me, firmly, "Its NOT ok!" LOL. Earlier yesterday, he was playing on his computer in his bedroom upstairs, and all of the sudden we heard him reprimanding the dog. He came down to get me, and also to make sure Samantha went downstairs. I asked him what happened, fully expecting to have to mostly figure it out for myself... He took me upstairs and told me that Sam should not bite/mouth the pillow... And then he showed me which pillow and that he had moved a stuffed animal off the top bunk and onto his dresser so Sam couldn't get to it. This is such a great step for Corey - not only did he want to explain it to me himself, but he did so in a clear manner. This is not an easy task for a child with autism and processing difficulties.