Saturday, June 6, 2009

Great day at the pool!

We had such an awesome time at the pool today, and a big breakthrough for Corey.  For those reading who don't know, Corey does NOT like to try new things, especially things that he deems scary or dangerous in any way.  (In other words, our autistic child did NOT get that "fearless" mentality that many seem to.)  He has always loved the pool, but at the same time, would never consider floating with a floatation toy or other device - he needs mom or dad to cling to if he can't stand easily, or at least the side - the boy needs to be in control.  Well, he had experimented just a tad this week with Mia's floaty ring, so I told him I would get him his own and we tried it for the first time yesterday with some very modest success.  He tolerated it on for a couple of minutes, but was welded to me the entire time - the floating sensation was new and anxiety provoking, but it was a start.  Today, we tried the ring again, and within a short amount of time, he was swimming with it!!!   He is awesome!  He had a blast swimming to us and was terribly proud. Mia, of course, had a ball, as well.  She loves to swim with her Dora ring and was singing "Jukebox Hero" for anyone who would listen.  LOL  

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