Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.  ~Marion C. Garretty, quoted in A Little Spoonful of Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul

Today is Mothers' Day... How amazingly blessed I am to be mom to two incredible children. They are both so sweet, smart and full of spunk - they make me laugh each day.  Watching them grow and learn, and also teach me so much.  I am a better person because of my children.  My life is challenging, to be sure, but it is also so rewarding.  I see my baby girl transforming before my eyes into a young lady - she is becoming very interested in the the performing arts - it will be fun to see her experiment on the stage, as I am sure she will be following in her daddy's footsteps, in one form or another - theatre, dance... something where she has a spotlight.  I see my boy working so hard to overcome the obstacles that autism places before him, and succeeding more and more each day.  He has inspired me to learn so much and I am proud of the help I am getting him and will never stop working to get him what he needs to succeed.


Today is also the day that I give thanks for my mom.  She is an unwavering force of love and support in my life... She is such a wonderful blessing to my children in so many ways, both big and small.  I feel so lucky to have "Grandma and Papa" so closeby and able to really be a part of our kids' childhoods.

1 comment:

  1. Our children certainly do inspire. Beautiful photos.
    Happy Mothers day!
