Sunday, April 26, 2009


I am happy to report that we have great plans for Corey's education and therapy in the coming year.  We just had his yearly ARD/IEP meeting where we go over his progress and set his new goals for the coming year.  He has been doing such a great job at school and is making great strides!  We are going to keep pushing him, of course, and are adding some new services to help him continue to grow and claw his way out of the curtain of autism.  He is such a smart child, and we are so proud to be able to give him the opportunity to overcome so many obstacles that he faces due to autism.  In the coming year, we are planning to add music therapy to his curriculum and are also going to help him learn the keyboard so he can type more, as handwriting is a real struggle for him due to his fine motor processing issues.  We will continue to help him work through the handwriting challenge, but it isn't fair to have that holding him back academically at this point.  The other super news on his school plans for fall is that Corey will not be changing schools and programs for fall, which was the district's original plan.  Corey is doing so well and we did not want him to have to change schools again after only one year at Fern Bluff.  We are over the moon about this!  The school has been so great for Corey -- the teachers and staff are amazing and he has made friends both in special ed class and in his regular ed 2nd grade class. (Hi Shelby and Natalie!)

Another great development is that I have finally worked out an out of network referral for Corey to receive ABA therapy and have insurance pay at 90% - this is huge!  ( We will finally be able to get him the kind of hours we want this way.  We are getting this started asap, so between ESY/summer school and therapy, we will be able to keep Corey's learning and progress going throughout the summer.  He is making such great strides right now, we want to make sure we keep going!

At the same time, we have Corey seeing a really amazing doctor... Dr. Kendal Stewart at Neurosensory Centers.  (  Dr. Stewart is treating Corey on the Biomedical side, which is another piece of the autism puzzle for Corey. We are treating Corey, healing his mind and body.  Autism is a stumbling block for him, but autism does not define Corey.

We feel so blessed to have found a great place to live, good services for Corey, great friends and a wonderful community spirit.  What more could we ask for?

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