Thursday, February 19, 2009

Walk Now for Autism!

I am registered and will be beginning to work on my fund raising for this year's Walk Now for Autism event at the Dell Diamond in Round Rock. This is such a great event - a great cause and a really fun day for the whole family. For those of you local to Austin, I encourage you all to come out and join in the festivities on October 11! For those who are not local, please consider making a contribution to this worthy cause. Corey is one of countless kids and adults challenged by autism, and every little bit we all do to help find the cause(s) and improve treatment, etc. is hugely important. You can find my walk website here:

Here are a couple of photos from last year's walk.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines!

After a tough week last week with "sickies" we are all on the mend and ready to celebrate V-Day. Mia had a party at preschool yesterday and had a blast, plus got some cool loot along with Valentines greetings. Today Mia and I headed over to Fern Bluff elementary and joined in the fun at Corey's party - the kids got to have fun using cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes in jello jigglers and enjoyed the (gf/cf/sf) cookies Mia and I made yesterday. Corey and Mia were so happy to enjoy the festivities together - they always seem to want to sit together at these parties. Awwwww!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Sunday

Joe is on the road again through Friday. The good news is the trip is to SoCal, so he can able hang with some friends and family while he is there, and go to a friend's superbowl party. The kids and I will be heading over to Lourdes and Steve's house a bit later for their Superbowl party. Steve is a die-hard Steelers fan, so I made him a Steelers cake for the party - I think he will be tickled. The cake also happens to be gluten free/casein free/soy free, and still delicious. Here is a pic of the cake...

What a fun time! Lourdes and Steve are wonderful hosts and pampered the kids and I - Lourdes didn't let me lift a finger, and she makes a fine cosmo... Wow - what an ending to the superbowl! Steve was stoked about the cake I made, so that was cool, too.

We are home now, the kids tucked in bed - boy were they tired. Of course, Corey was extra tired since he got up at 4:30 this morning. Eeek!